The History of Softball in Oshawa and District
The formation of the Double B Sports Club happened in the 1960's. Two local sports enthusiasts noticed that our local corporate and commercial sponsorship for minor sports were in a severe decline. As a result so were sports in our community. These two gentlemen Lionel "Boom" Baker and John "Barney" Bradica formed the Club as a non-profit organization primarily for the purpose of raising sponsorship funds for minor sports teams in Oshawa and secondly for scholastic and charitable work. Using the double "B's" in both their names, and the City name the Oshawa Double "B" Sports Club was formed. The Club was incorporated under the same name in the early 1990's and followed its' original purposes.
Since its inception the Club has raised and provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to local boys and girls sports teams primarily in fastpitch softball. These teams have represented this City in International, National, Provincial and League championship play. During this time local charities and Durham College have also benefited. Any excess funds after sponsorship funding, were distributed to charities for special fundraising events and to provide for people in need in our community and to local scholarship funds. In addition, the Club has provided funding for upgrading facilities to National standards and participated in bringing three National Championships to our City and also numerous Provincial Championships.
Sponsored teams have enjoyed many successes on the field with gold, silver and bronze finishes in National championships. However, the highpoint for the Club had to be in 1995 when for the first time ever two teams from the same city represented a province at a National Championship event. Our two Oshawa Double B Boys Fastball teams won the right to go to Prince George, British Columbia as Ontario's representatives. Through the work of the Club, many teams have had the opportunity to travel throughout this country and the United States to play. Several players from these teams have been selected to play for Team Canada in world competitions.
It is hoped that in the near future teams and players will share their experiences with us and we will be able to build them into our website archives. It is through this information sharing that we hope to continue to build enthusiasm that will ensure the continuation of the Club and the work that it does for our community.
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